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Our Crystals

We source our crystals from reputable suppliers known for their authenticity. Our team is dedicated to ensuring the quality and origin of each crystal. 

Rose Quartz

Often referred to as the "stone of unconditional love," Rose Quartz is believed to open the heart chakra, promoting love, compassion, and self-love. It's commonly used to attract romantic love and strengthen existing relationships.

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Often referred to as the "Merchant's Stone," Citrine is associated with personal power, abundance, and confidence. It's believed to help manifest goals and promote a positive mindset.


Known for its calming and balancing properties, Amethyst is often used to promote emotional stability and stress relief. It is also associated with enhancing spiritual awareness.



Jade is often associated with spiritual and healing properties, believed to bring balance, harmony, and protection to its wearer.

Clear Quartz

Known as a versatile crystal, Clear Quartz is believed to amplify energy, including the energy related to abundance and manifestation.

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Pink Opal

Known for its calming energy and associations with emotional healing, Pink Opal is believed to foster love, compassion, and tranquility, making it a popular choice for jewelry that carries both aesthetic beauty and positive energy.

Tiger's Eye

Known for its golden-brown stripes, Tiger's Eye is believed to enhance courage, strength, and confidence. It's often associated with boosting self-esteem and motivation. This stone is associated with courage and protection. It is also believed to bring good luck and financial stability.

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Green Aventurine

Aventurine is often associated with luck and opportunity. Green Aventurine, in particular, is believed to attract prosperity and wealth.


Turquoise is a captivating gemstone prized for its striking blue-green color, ranging from sky blue to deep greenish-blue tones. Turquoise is not only admired for its aesthetic appeal but is also considered a symbol of protection, wisdom, and positive energy, making it a cherished choice for jewelry and talismans.

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Red Jasper

With its earthy red tones, Red Jasper is associated with strength, stamina, and empowerment. It's believed to boost courage and enhance one's ability to overcome challenges.

Black Obsidian

Known for its protective properties, Black Obsidian is believed to absorb and dispel negative energy. It's often used for grounding and enhancing personal power.

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Blue Aventurine

Blue Aventurine is a variety of quartz characterized by its deep blue color and a distinctive shimmer caused by tiny reflective mineral inclusions. Revered for its soothing energy and associations with enhancing communication skills, blue aventurine is often used in jewelry to bring a sense of calm and clarity while adding a touch of elegance to the wearer's aesthetic.

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